Zona Sehat Harmonis is a weekly routine activity in mobilizing the community to address societal differences with harmony and embracing the spirit of tolerance and gotong royong (mutual assistance) through the following activities:
Interfaith Prayers
A-robic: Archipelago Aerobic, gymnastics movements inspired by Indonesian dances
ALD: Archipelago Line Dance, dance movements inspired by Indonesian dances
ArGa: Achipelago Yoga inspired by Pencak Silat
IANnews is a program that builds positive community energy through online media and job vacancy information.
Nusantara Institute of Technology (NIT) is an integrated technology education institute with a mission to equip people with technology-based skills.
Taman Wawasan Nusantara is a learning park of excellent Indonesia.
Indonesia Archipelago Fest is a culture and creativity festival with the goal of preserving and developing Indonesia’s cultural values.